Miss Sam's Dance Centre
Miss Sam's Dance Centre

Everything You Need to Know Before You Enroll With Us
- We only accept payments made through cash or check. As a small business cash is always appreciated.
- Make all checks payable to MSDC.
- Please do not mail payments to the studio address. We do not receive mail at our studio.
- All payments are to be made during your dancer’s weekly class(es) before the 16th day of the month. Miss Sam cannot make special arrangements to accept payments.
- All NEW students of Miss Sam’s Dance Centre will be billed a registration fee of $25.00. Once this payment is received, your dancer’s slot will be reserved for their desired class(es). Registration is not complete until payment is received.

Monthly Tuition
Monthly Tuition
Our monthly core class tuition ranges from $38.00 to $40.00 per class, per month. Please contact Miss Sam for our rates for solo and semi-private classes. This tuition is divided into 10 equal installments. All payments are due on the first lesson of each month and no later than the 15th of the month.
On the 16th day of the month, the tuition will have an $18.00 increase for every week of late payments. This charge will be billed to any account with an outstanding balance of $5.00 or more. All payments must be made during your dancer’s class in cash/check form. If a payment is not made within 30 days, the student will no longer be allowed to participate in class.
The tuition for May and June are billed together and will be due by the last May lesson to ensure participation in our annual dance recital. Please note that all tuition is non-refundable.
Everyone is expected to pay a tight charge in February. This ensures that everyone will have at least one pair of correct tights for the recital. There will be a costume deposit of $50.00 per class. This is due October 30th, with the remaining costume balance due on March 30th.
Once costumes have arrived, students will receive them a week after the entire costume balance is paid in full. Students are not guaranteed to perform in our annual dance recital until your entire account balance is paid in full. This is due on May 31 every year.
Class prices do not change whether there are more or less weeks in a month. You will be charged the same amount every month regardless of your attendance in class. There is no single class fee, and any returned check is an automatic $30.00 fee.
Drop Fee
Drop Fee
Each student holds a placement slot in each class that cannot be filled after registration ends every October 1. Because of this, any student that opts to drop class(es) before our normal dance season ends will be responsible for all outstanding costume balances and a drop fee. After 30 days of no payment after a student drops out, outstanding account balances will be forwarded to our accountant, then to collections.
Private and Semi-Private Classes
Private and Semi-Private Classes
You must be enrolled in the class of the subject that you wish to take private or semi-private lessons in. These lessons are reserved for highly motivated students. First year private students will focus on one recital piece to ensure thorough learning during their first year. Please contact us in Hornell, New York for pricing and scheduling.
Makeup classes for solo and semi-private classes are only available if the instructor cancels. If one dancer cannot make their semi-private class, the class is automatically canceled without make-up sessions.
We follow the Hornell school calendar with Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter, and Spring breaks. If Hornell schools close for a snow day, MSDC is automatically closed.

Missed Classes
Missed Classes
There are no refunds for missed classes. If the class is cancelled by the teacher, a makeup class will be assigned to students. If classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, public posts will be made on Facebook and on this website under the Snow Days and Make-Up Dates page. Classes are allotted 3 snow days per season without makeups. If any snow days occur thereafter, make up schedules will be posted on the website.
The make-up dates for cancelled classes will also be posted on that same page. It is the responsibility of both the parent and student to keep track of cancelled classes and make-up dates. Miss Sam will not contact students individually for class cancellations and make-up sessions.
Note- if Hornell schools are closed for a snow day, MSDC is automatically closed.
Costumes and Recitals
Costumes and Recitals
All students must have costumes to participate in the recital. A costume deposit of $50.00 per class is due every October 30th with the remaining balance due by March 30th.
Once you order a costume, you are obligated to pay for it in full. Since costumes are custom-made, they cannot be cancelled once ordered or home-sewn. They have to be ordered through the studio.
Costumes that need alterations will be the responsibility of the student. Your dancer will not be cleared to perform in the annual dance recital until your entire account balance is paid in full. This payment is due every May 31.
Parents are required to purchase recital tickets. The ticket money is then put towards tickets, banners and program printing as well as the school’s auditorium fees.